Pax east ayo the clown
Pax east ayo the clown

pax east ayo the clown

What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: In a platonic version, in one level, Ayo gives one of his clown noses to a robot.The first ones DO wear baseball caps as well, though. Waddling Head: Many of the game's enemies are of this type, being little more that round bodies with eyes and feet.

pax east ayo the clown

Perhaps best exemplified by the fact that the Town has a giant monster playing with toy cars on a hill right outside of it, and no one thinks that's strange.

  • Wacky Land: The whole game takes place in a bright, colorful fantasy land.
  • Video-Game Lives: Ayo heads act as these.
  • Video Game Flight: One level has Ayo and Pan flying through the sky on one of his balloons, dodging spikes along the way.
  • Toilet Humor: One enemy is a cute little Waddling Head sitting on a toilet, which jumps into the air by farting.
  • Springs, Springs Everywhere: Various things in the game are bouncy, like giant balloons and frogs.
  • Rule of Three: Ayo starts the game with three hearts, and there are three teddy bears and three lollipops to collect in each level.
  • Pax east ayo the clown how to#

  • Perpetual Frowner: The Big Bad of the game is a wolf who doesn't know how to smile, and thus wants to get his revenge on the always-happy Ayo.
  • Non-Ironic Clown: Ayo, the cute little clown on a quest to save his dog.
  • It's used to add to the game's Wacky Land feel.
  • Monstrous Scenery: The Clown Town area has a giant monster sitting on the hills behind it, playing with toy cars.
  • The Man in the Moon: In the first level, if you look at the moon, you'll see that it has a little face.
  • pax east ayo the clown

    Oh, My!: In addition to humans like Ayo and Pan, the Town also has sheep, cow, and bear residents. Level Ate: Candy Land, where Ayo has to avoid hazards such as giant gingerbread men doing push-ups.It doesn't even have background music, to better set the mood. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The first level of the game takes place on a rainy night.Being a clown, he considers it a good thing that he's being laughed at. Instant Web Hit: At the end of the game, a picture of Ayo kissing a mop goes viral on the Internet.Instant Roast: Whenever you defeat fish-type enemies, they turn into a piece of sushi in a puff of smoke before they disappear.Health Meter: In the top left corner of the screen is a line of hearts that serve as Ayo's health.Green Hill Zone: The first world is a world of sunshiney hills and giant flowers.Goomba Stomp: Ayo can do this to defeat an enemy.Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: The rapping frog king boss doesn't seem to have any relation with the Big Bad's plans, especially considering that Ayo accidentally crashed his performance.Gameplay Grading: At the end of each level is a stage upon which you're graded for how many teddy bears and lollipops you collected, and how much time it took to complete each level.Eternal Engine: The fourth world is a giant factory world.It's slow to swing, but can defeat certain enemies other weapons can't and can also destroy large vases. Drop the Hammer: One of Ayo's weapons is a squeaky hammer.Ayo lets out a Big "OMG!" at how cute they are when he walks past them. Cuteness Proximity: One NPC in the town has several dogs.Cute Bruiser: Ayo's childhood-friend-slash-crush, Pan, is a cute girl in a panda hat who is more than capable of physically destroying anyone who touches her.Circus of Fear: Appropriately, the final world is Ayo's circus, after it's been taken over by the Big Bad.They splat Ayo in the face with said pie when he gets close to them. Checkpoint: These take the form of an unusual statue holding a pie.Butt Cannon: The final boss, the wolf's robot, fires missiles out of a nozzle on its rear end.Burger Fool: The Big Bad Wolf was stuck working at a burger joint, which did not help his inability to smile one bit.He wonders who did this and why he doesn't remember it happening, then decides that it's because he's in a " clown game." Breaking the Fourth Wall: One sidequest has Ayo enter a level to suddenly find that he's been Strapped to a Bomb.Black Comedy Burst: The Sheep Lady NPC tries to tell Ayo a joke beginning, "What do you call a sheep with no legs?" Ayo's response is a blunt, "A disabled sheep?" note The answer is "a cloud.".Black Bead Eyes: A lot of characters have these, like Ayo, Radish Boy, the moon in level 1, etc.The Big Bad Wolf: The actual Big Bad of the game is, in fact, a wolf-a wolf who can't smile, and who has decided that since he can't, no one else should, and thus takes it out on laughter-spreading Ayo.

    Pax east ayo the clown